Jacy Pitts, MS, RDN, CEDS-C, LD
Senior Registered Dietitian
Jacy Pitts, MS, RDN, CEDS-C, LD lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She received both a Bachelor and Master of Science in Nutrition from The University of Georgia. After the first eating disorder patient encounter at a pediatric GI office in 2009, she quickly realized a calling to the field. She continued to gain work experience with children and adults across all levels of care and pursue professional training. She founded eatwellgeorgia LLC in 2013, a private practice offering outpatient nutrition counseling for children and adults. Jacy has extensive pediatric nutrition training and is particularly interested in the impacts of disordered eating on child/adolescent growth and development, social health, and family dynamics. Her philosophy around nutrition includes a non-diet, weight-neutral approach.
Jacy was the Clinical Nutrition Manager at Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital from 2018-2022, the only hospital in GA that provides inpatient medical stabilization for eating disorders under age 21. Jacy serves on the Medical Advisory Board for EDIN, an Atlanta-based organization dedicated to education and insight on eating disorders. She is a past events co-chair for the Atlanta iaedp chapter. She became a CEDS Supervisor in 2019 and enjoys providing individual and group supervision to other clinicians in the eating disorders field. Jacy is passionate about building community to promote further understanding and treatment of eating disorders.